Thursday, March 13, 2008

Potter, Lost, Hulk, etc.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Warner Brothers officially confirmed yesterday that the final installment of the Potter septilogy will be split into two films, released six months apart (a la The Matrix 2 and 3).

They also declared David Yates as the director of both films (he's responsible for last year's Phoenix and this year's Half-Blood Prince). While I really liked Yates' take on the 5th book, I'm a little disappointed that the last four Potter films will all be shot by the same guy (Alfonso Cuaron and Mike Newell both did a great job with 3 and 4).

2. Hulk Trailer Hits the WebAnd it actually looks pretty good. Leave it to Ed Norton to bring an unmarketable character back to life. Ang Lee's 2003 take on the jolly green giant was absolutely terrible. Watch the new trailer over here.

3. Lost FinaleWant another reason to hate Grey's Anatomy? Here's one: because of the two-hour Grey's season finale, the two-hour Lost season finale will be split into two weeks. What a travesty. Apparently ABC thinks viewers would rather watch pouty children sleep with each other and then complain about it afterwards, instead of the greatest show in the history of television (sadly, ABC is probably right).

Episode 4.07, Ji Yeon, airs tonight. We find out the remaining Oceanic 6 and learn who Ben's man on the boat is. Unfortunately, at this point, most fans have already figured those answers out through deductive reasoning. However, EW's Jeff Jensen promises that once Ben's spy is revealed, there's still ten minutes of show left.

1 comment:

Mr. Leagans said...

I'm one of those people that enjoys watching pouty children more :) .