Thursday, March 27, 2008

What's Behind the Swan?

Remember in Season 2 of Lost, when Sayid and Jack noticed the strong electromagnetic force coming from a walled-off section of the Swan? They even tried to get underneath it to see what was back there. Sayid said he hadn't seen that much concrete poured since Chernobyl.

Well, thanks to the recent Lost video game, we can now see precisely what was behind that concrete. It appears to be the site of the "Incident" referred to in the Swan Orientation Film. It looks like a large reactor with two giant electromagnetic coils suspended over a deep excavation hole in the Island.

According to the writers, "DHARMA drilled the earth and hit an area with large contained electromagnetic buildup. They broke into the anomaly which allowed the field to leak out. The Swan was built over this area to act as a sort of cork."


1 comment:

notrightnow said...

Thanks for the info. I totally didn't know this!